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Este apartado recoge una serie de artículos científicos que respaldan el enfoque de mi trabajo.

Beck, S., Redding, E., & Wyon, M. A. (2015). Methodological considerations for documenting the energy demand of dance activity: a review. Frontiers in psychology, 6, 568.

Watson, T., Graning, J., McPherson, S., Carter, E., Edwards, J., Melcher, I., & Burgess, T. (2017). Dance, balance and core muscle performance measures are improved following a 9-week core stabilization training program among competitive collegiate dancers. International journal of sports physical therapy, 12(1), 25.

Rafferty, S. (2010). Considerations for integrating fitness into dance training. Journal of dance medicine & science, 14(2), 45-49.

Aujla, I. J., Nordin-Bates, S. M., & Redding, E. (2015). Multidisciplinary predictors of adherence to contemporary dance training: findings from the UK Centres for Advanced Training. Journal of sports sciences, 33(15), 1564-1573.

Wyon, M. A., Harris, J., Adams, F., Cloak, R., Clarke, F. A., & Bryant, J. (2018). Cardiorespiratory profile and performance demands of elite hip-hop dancers: breaking and new style. Medical problems of performing artists, 33(3), 198-204.

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